
79 England Love Candy His Conduct Touched fans

加入 2014-01-22 20:47:17 | 类别: 新闻纪实







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England 79 love candy his conduct deeply touched USA fans

224个国家艾滋病地雷大使 包括非洲大陆 最贫穷地区

The 224 National AIDS ambassador, including Africa mines in the poorest areas

200多家联合国慈善机构明星代言人 全美家喻户晓的

More than 200 UN charity star spokesman in the make known to every family

偶像艺人 他一个人抱着雪纳瑞玩具娃娃 穿风衣的照片

Idols he a man holding a Schnauzer doll wearing a windbreaker photos

深深的感动了北美的观众 他那一双迷人的大眼睛坚定果敢

Deeply moved north American audience his big eyes firm and resolute

的怀抱着美国人的骄傲 雪纳瑞 娃娃狗 他身后是全美洲的

Embrace a proud American Schnauzer doll dog behind him is all America

不凡 生为美国 他是谁?他头上的夏威夷花环是美利坚合众国

Students who America extraordinary is he? He is the head of the Hawaii flower is the United States of America


Argentina Brazil Mexico Canada throughout the Americas symbol of the spiritual leader of North America

一口流利的美式英语 加拿大阿根廷墨西哥巴西北美大陆娱乐圈

Fluent American English Canada Argentina Mexico Brazil North America mainland Entertainment

的精神上的象征 美洲的尊严和荣耀

A symbol of the spirit of America's dignity and glory

男明星 他喜欢穿羊毛衫他有着一双迷人的大眼睛 坚定的目光 北美美洲大陆家喻户晓的艺人 他的品行深深感动了 北至加拿大 南至 巴西 阿根廷 墨西哥 美国家喻户晓的 美利坚合众国人民心中的演员 他是热爱娱乐圈荣誉的人 可能遗传了 母亲的品行 但是他出生时 却无人问津 投掷于贫民区 婴儿布旁有一台木制钢琴玩具 他独立自强 他抱着一个雪纳瑞的美国玩具布娃娃 披件风衣 披着头发 目视的照片 风靡了北美大陆 全美国的骄傲 美国人 墨西哥人 加拿大人 巴西人 阿根廷人的不凡 活着就是为 拉丁美洲大陆的 美洲人而不凡的 好莱坞 奥斯卡 明星

Male star he likes to wear sweater he has big eyes firm eyes, make known to every family of North American artists of his conduct deeply moved north to Canada, South to Brazil Argentina Mexico American make known to every family of the United States of America the hearts of the people of the actor he is love the entertainment circle to honor someone may be inherited her mother's conduct but he was born but No one shows any interest in throwing in the slums of baby cloth next to a wooden Piano Toy he independent him holding a Schnauzer USA toy doll with a windbreaker with hair visual pictures in North America. All America pride Americans Mexican Canadian Brazilian Argentine extraordinary alive for the Latin America American and extraordinary Hollywood star Oscar

关键字:  UK   US   Star
